Messaging & Online Booking now Available!

  • Don’t have an account?  Review the below agreement and consent by checking the box to receive an invite to set up an account.  The invite will not come immediately, but typically within a week.  The link sent to your email will expire, please don’t delay setting it up once the invite is received.
  • Have a Pomelo account already? Once logged in, under ‘Messages’ you will see your healthcare provider in the list if the office uses messaging.  Click on “Appointments’ to see appointments available up to a few days in advance.  If you do not see anything listed, it means the appointments for this time frame are already booked.  Please login again the next day to check availability. 
  • Have an account but can’t login?  If you navigate to the home page you can select ‘password reset’.
  • Can’t remember what Email you used?  Use the Email address this message is being sent to and follow the password reset steps on the home page.  If you do not receive a password reset, please contact
*Please do not consent to the form below if you already have an account. Please note: each person needs their own email address to sign-up.


Bancroft Community Family Health Team strives to provide the best care possible.  This means extending our Communications with patients to include Virtual/Electronic means.  Please review the Agreement and complete the Consent listed below.


Bancroft Community Family Health Team Virtual Communications 

Agreement & Consent


I agree that my healthcare team – my doctors, their staff, the Bancroft Community Family Health Team (BCFHT) -and I will communicate by electronic means for medical matters.

“Virtual Communications” referred to in this Agreement are Virtual or Electronic and can be in the form of Phone, Email, Text Message, Website, Patient Portal, and/or Videoconferencing.

Risks of using Virtual Communications

Transmitting patient information poses several risks of which you should be aware. The risks include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The privacy and security of Virtual Communications cannot be guaranteed. I recognize that Virtual Communications can be viewed by other people if I were to leave my electronic device open on shared or public computers.
  • Employers and online services may have a legal right to inspect and keep written Virtual communication that pass through their system.
  • Written Virtual Communications is easier to falsify, and it is impossible to verify the true identity of the sender, or to ensure that only the recipient can read the email once it has been sent.
  • Written Virtual Communication can introduce viruses into a computer system, and potentially damage or disrupt digital operating systems.
  • Written Virtual Communication can be forwarded, intercepted, circulated, stored or even changed without the knowledge or permission of the healthcare provider or the patient.
  • Virtual Communications can be misdirected, and I will be responsible for any emails sent from my electronic devices that may not go to the intended recipient.
  • Written Virtual Communication may be permanent. Even after the sender and recipient have deleted their copies of the email, back-up copies may exist on a computer or in cyberspace.

Conditions of using Virtual Communications

  • We recommend that each person (16 years and older) should have their own personal Email address for Privacy.

  • Although we aim to read and respond promptly to your written Virtual communication, we cannot guarantee that any written virtual communication will be read and responded to within any particular period of time.

  • Any Virtual Communications sent by me or to me by my healthcare team are confidential and will be a permanent part of my file.

  • It is my responsibility as the patient to send my communication to the proper healthcare person or office.
  • By choosing to communicate virtually, I also understand that it is my responsibility to review my notices that messages are waiting for my response. 
  • I acknowledge that any Virtual Communications I send to the healthcare team may be read by any staff as it relates to their usual duties.
  • I will not use Virtual Communications for time sensitive matters. If a medical issue is urgent, I will call the office or Health811 after hours and on weekends (Dial 811 or via chat
  • I will not communicate highly sensitive medical information through electronic communications.
  • My healthcare team may forward Virtual Communications to those involved with your care (for example a referral to a specialist).
  • I will protect my own electronic devices and will not hold the healthcare team responsible if confidential information is made public through my own negligence. I will not hold the healthcare team liable for information lost due to technical failures beyond the control of the team.
  • I acknowledge that either I or the healthcare team may, at any time, withdraw the option of communicating virtually. This will be done so in writing.
  • Text messaging is a special exception, however, if your healthcare provider has agreed to communicate via text message, you must review our texting policy disclaimer as well as sign or reply to this Virtual Communications Agreement & Consent.


  • Protect your own devices.
  • Phone or video-conference in a quiet/private space away from others.  Consider headphones for privacy.
  • Inform the team if my Virtual communication account or information changes (i.e. Email address change).
  • Please put the nature of your Virtual communication in the subject line, for example “questions” or “medication requests”.